Information: The Key to Resonate with a Better World

Imagine infinite peace without beginning or end. Can this be possible in our world today? In the microscopic sub-particle world, matter returns to its origins — energy, the matrix of creation. The Ancient Veda’s teachings believed that creation is richest at its source (expanding energy). Why? Because it consists of infinite possibilities. 

Today, thanks to Quantum Physics and The Observer Effect, we know that all perceived matter originated in an energy wave that...

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Tragedy and Resonance

If our resonance is the information we have integrated from our surroundings, our reality is a reflection of our internal resonance. Every bit of information we receive is stored in our mind cloud and becomes the program that continuously creates each and every one of our experiences and our individual and collective reality.  

How does resonance impact tragic events and painful situations like the mass shootings of children? Resonance is the common factor of every situation that we...

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